The dignity of the human being

Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck

To the BRD


To the World Population

Luebeck, 06 August 2024

The German-language document you may find here!

Your general and unnatural behaviour towards my person in the matter and commission of the Creator is beneath the dignity of my person!

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen as the Federal Representatives of the FRG, Dear Readers,

Even the stupidest of the stupid should be able to understand that this letter cannot be particularly friendly.

Actually, you and everyone else have received sufficient reading material and enough tangible and verifiable evidence in the above-mentioned matter, whereby the Creator has demonstrably appointed a threefold Authority and other true Crown Bearers for every person in the world, whereby preferably my person as Empress, including the King and the Emperor, are in charge.

It's not just you and your EGO, you'd all better not forget that, because the battered and old world also bears much evil and monstrosities through wars, hunger and abortions, although nobody knows how much longer this will go on in this publicly authorised naivety and pathological form!

Your sluggishness and your wait-and-see attitude in the matter are adding fuel to the devil's fire every day by wasting precious time for everyone in the non-execution of the matter, but at the same time the environmental catastrophes have clearly picked up speed worldwide. It would be advisable for the world's population to deal with cause and effect in this regard in order to finally make themselves "smart" through the Revelation of John, because the commission and the matter of Creation involves the whole of humanity and not just, for example, the twisted or messed-up Europeans.

In order to make it clear and straightforward, every thinking person in the world should prepare themselves as quickly as possible for the historically predicted and actually occurring "Last Judgement" and be able to recognise it clearly in the meantime!

There is not much time left for this, because there is simply no starting point with the stupid citizens living here! These primitive theatrical performances by the citizens with a general psycho-application are directed against nature and against my person!

And that brings us to the subject of nature and naturalness.

You and everyone else have obviously been placed under the Authority in a natural way and have to obey, which could be presented in writing as orders and instructions on the Internet, even if this and that doesn't work for you!

Because nature will also have to be protected from so-called humans, who are themselves a part of nature, by very important basic laws that absolutely belong in the constitution of every state.

First and foremost is the Creation, from which the human being originated and the prohibition of any abortion in order to protect oneself!

This extremely important law has nothing whatsoever to do with dictatorial legislation, but protects nature and all other natural laws on which humans and life depend or on which humans depend on nature! You and others here did not create the world and install the sun in the sky for us humans, you all better not forget that, you funny dream dancers!

And now it's time to get down to business: First of all, sensible and acceptable laws will have to be created, at least across Europe, which must be based directly and not just indirectly on the Ten Commandments given to us. This orientation will help every so-called human being, who is on the diabolical debit side of life, to cope with the change of sides in order to be able to switch to the credit side of life that God wants.

In contrast to my person, the Ten Commandments do not have anything remotely dictatorial about them, but on the contrary, they ultimately make people and therefore humanity free and that is what matters!

Therefore, all instructions and orders of the Empress, my person, which will basically refer to the commission and Creation, but indirectly to the Ten Commandments and unconsciously often to the Bible, are to be implemented properly and to the satisfaction of all!

You and others start right away with the implementation in the hometown of the Authorities in Luebeck and the surrounding area and then in Berlin and Copenhagen, because the world and the world's population are bearing something more than just themselves!

Many of the federal commissioners and many of the politicians all over the world will have to go to the rubbish dumps of their cities and countries as servants of the people and work out sensible and realisable concepts for a functioning national economy on the ground by complying with the necessary laws, that are sustainable for nature in the long term and thus ensure the health of people today and tomorrow in harmony with Creation.

THE WORLD NEEDS good realisable concepts in the matter and order of Creation and not more doctors and professors who do more harm than good for mankind!

Especially those who see themselves as a random product of evolution, because they were obviously given a very high IQ or high intellect by nature, often see themselves as being on the same level as the actual Creation with like-minded people who indirectly rule the world.

At least in one respect these people are right, because today's man has the power and is indeed capable of destroying the world with nuclear weapons, but the forces of nature can also achieve this, if the laws of nature are not observed and disregarded, which also includes, as already clearly stated, the called-upon Authority!

Get well soon everyone, but please finally in a form that is not beneath my dignity!


The necessary demands and requirements of my person in the matter have also been made in writing to the Luebeck health authority, psychiatric service, and include the neighbourhood in the garden area and in the residential area, in particular my relatives and my Prince W., with immediate effect.